  • Manufacturers & Wholesalers of Cleaning Equipments
    Manufacturers & Wholesalers of Cleaning Equipments
    Make Yourself Set Apart from Competition What should we do when more brands and price fighting happened than a decade ago? One of the best choices is to deliver more value-added service to the customers, to help them solve problems, and be happy and satisfied. For floor cleaning, maintenance and polishing, EZshine can customize the one-stop Diamond Clean Solution for your business. Our focus is to...
  • Hospitality, Plaza & Supermarket
    Hospitality, Plaza & Supermarket
    What's the Points for Commercial Cleaning? For commercial buildings including plazas, hotels, supermarkets, and offices, except cleanliness and safety, keeping the floor shiny and attractive is furthermore important. A dull and scratched floor negatively affect the customers' mood when they come in. That's why daily cleaning with an effective solution really matters. In the traditional cleaning me...
  • Floor Cleaning & Maintenance
    Floor Cleaning & Maintenance
    Floor Cleaning & Maintenance A proper daily cleaning and maintenance schedule can keep the floor clean and shiny longer. If you use traditional floor pads with cleaner often, you'll eventually find it doesn't actually clean your floors but only mentally. The shine will soon fade. Contaminations are usually mixed with sweat, drinks, etc., which are hidden in scratches. Traditional floor pads ca...
  • Education & Healthcare
    Education & Healthcare
    Chemical-free Diamond Clean Solution Cleanliness, hygiene, and safety are the top priorities for the Healthcare industry, it means the floor should be cleaned and maintained in a scientific way. EZshine Polycrystal Floor Cleaning Pads and Diamond Polishing Pads can work with water only to bring you a clean and shine result, it reduces the dependence on harsh cleaning and polishing chemicals and wa...
  • Light-duty Floor Renovation & Polishing
    Light-duty Floor Renovation & Polishing
    Light-duty Floor Renovation & Polishing Compared with Heavy-duty Floor Restoration and Polishing, your floors will not have such so heavy scratches to remove. In this case, you can use EZshine Maintenance Pad (Standard-performance Kit) or Xshine Pad (High-performance Kit) not the professional resin-bond diamond polishing pad to remove deep scratches and hard stains when your floors lose shine,...
  • Warehouse Logistics
    Warehouse Logistics
    Clean and Shine Your Floor in EZshine One-Stop Solution The most popular floors used in Warehouse & Logistics Industry are hard floors and resilient floors. For industry use, the gloss and clarity are not the focus but the cleanliness and hygiene. With water only, EZshine polycrystal floor cleaning pads and diamond polishing pads can clean and shine the floor at the same time. Cleaning is poli...
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A total of 4 pages

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